Craft Revitalization Action for Future-proofing the Transition to Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Development

It is the ambition of CRAFT-IT4SD to revitalize knowledge, practices and traditional techniques as shared cultural resources for sustainability as well as spillovers into a new, customer driven and sustainable creative economy, allowing for born-sustainable small and micro-sized enterprises to share climate impact data and flourish via an open source and open data platform. CRAFT-IT4SD – combines techniques, skills and materials associated with traditional crafts with emerging possibilities for integration with new digital technologies and data analytics processes and services; and – adopt a new ecosystem approach to facilitate co-creation between traditional craft stakeholders, the fashion industry, SMEs by designers, artisans, artists through immersive media technologies.

Project start date: 1 January 2024

Project end date: 31 December 2026

Project duration: 36 months