Registration deadline April 15, 2018; submission of compiled questionnaire by April 30, 2018.

If you are a business or enterprise, large or small (even individuals may apply), in any way connected with design, production, and distribution in the Textile and Clothing (T&C) sector, the TCBL Project invites you to apply to become an Associate Enterprise through the third Call for Application open March 15 to April 15, 2018. (This is the third of four annual Calls for Associate Enterprises planned for the TCBL project until 2019.)
The page on the TCBL website is all ready and user-friendly. Once signed in with TCBL SSO, all an applicant has to do is fill out the registration form and click Submit, and they’ll be automatically registered on Thela and sent directly to the questionnaire.
You are welcome to join our TCBL community!